Somewhere in my head I have all these wonderful ideas of a vegetable garden large enough to sustain my family for the Summer.  In reality, all I strive for is a garden that would be able to supplement our diet, and reduce our grocery bills by just a little bit.  The true reality, though, is that money is needed to invest in that type of garden, as we will need quality soil, and raised garden boxes to grow the kind of vegetables and fruit that I want.  So money savings are out the door.

Then there is the challenge of time, and environment.  I am the mom of two little ones, and also allergic to many things outdoors.  I also have a great fear of spiders and insects, and do not like working under the hot hot sun, or in the rain.

So this is the true reality: whatever garden I work on will probably be mediocre, or just passable.  My veggie / herb / fruit crop this year will not be very much, and certainly won’t be very hearty, as I will be growing things out of pots and putting only the minimal amount of time and effort in them.  And at the moment, as I have no soil to put into my pots right now, my seeds remain unplanted, even though it is the best time to plant some of the seeds now (I believe I’m actually late in starting seeds anyway), so my garden will be even worse than passable.

I really do want to put in the effort though.  I just lack the timing and action, but I am plotting to change that.  I’ll let you know how it goes.  Very often, my plans just remain plans.