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This is just a rant post.

To the young fellow who was in the line-up behind me at the bus stop,

You were third in line.


At the time I was in denial that your inching forward when the bus arrived, was a sign that you were going to budge in front of me.  I was thinking….dude is 3rd in line, why would he budge?  And he did.

Was his need to get a seat or be the first or second person on the bus so great?  Let’s see here.

  • The fellow is young.  Around my age, in his 30s or so, so he is not a senior citizen.  And of course he cannot be pregnant.
  • The fellow looks healthy, and does not appear to have any sort of disability.  He certainly moved fast enough.
  • He did not have a baby, toddler or young child with him.

So he is just another rude person on the bus.  Unfortunately, he is also a rude person in life.

If I ever see him again, and if he does that to me again, I will most likely say something.  Seriously, he was 3rd in line.  Would it really have been that much of an inconvenience to STAY in the line??

THIRD in line.  Seriously.

What a jerk!