The sound of metal-on-metal crash interrupts my nightly computer play.  A sinking feeling and knowing thought enters my brain.  “Oh no!”  I try not to finish the thought.  I look out the living room window and there in the middle of the road is a dark coloured SUV in the middle of the road (on the wrong side of the road) and in a position it shouldn’t be (but still upright).

The neighbour’s car alarm is going off.  Yes, that car hit my neighbours car.  Actually, it hit one car, and caused that car to hit the car in front of it, which both belong to my neighbour.  My first thought is to call 911.  My husband’s first action (after telling him that I’m calling 911) is to go out the door to see if he can help with his first-aid training.  Thankfully, his first-aid training isn’t needed.  I go outside to let them know the ambulance is on the way, but there is also someone else on the phone, which I later found out is a witness.  We both go back inside the house since there is nothing else we can do, and I become a “lookie-loo” from my home, although just occasionally as I do have other things to do.

The police arrive, and firetruck arrive shortly.  Traffic is re-directed.  Oh look, pedestrians.  Are they really pedestrians or….wait, yes they stop at the cars.  Lookie-loos from down the street.  REALLY??  I mean, really??  You just HAD to come out of your house and look.  You’re not even helping, just standing and looking.  You really have nothing better to do?  And its not just one.  It looks like a family of them.  Three total, most likely from the same house-hold.

Now I really have no idea how long the lookie-loos stayed because I was looking out the window intermittently because that’s where my computer is….right by the window and I am doing my own thing for the most part; getting snacks, playing games, etc., so my lookie-loo part wasn’t as if I spent a lot of time or energy doing.  It was out of curiosity, mostly because it affected my neighbours and they are nice people and we get along with them.  I did not physically get out the door, walk down the street and stand at the accident site.  I have better things to do but whatever, its not my time.

But the husband and I did try to think of reasons a car would hit a parked car at such speed that it would damage two parked vehicles.  Our theories are: the guy was asleep, high on drugs, drunk, or distracted with cellphone or texting.  Since it was a Friday night, it really could have been anything, and he had to have been going fast enough to make a very loud crunch, and damage 2 parked vehicles.  Regardless of the reason, the neighbours who did nothing but park their cars on the street are going to pay for it in time and aggravation.  Now why does this scenario seem so familiar?  And why do people with such poor judgement drive??  Oh, its because they have poor judgement.  *sigh*

Unfortunately, this isn’t an isolated incident.  And it certainly won’t be the last.